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Answers to Your Questions

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What about support for Linux and Steam Deck?

A Linux version is in active development and will be available soon. However, regarding the Steam Deck, we are facing certain difficulties. The issue is that in the near future, the game's interface will not be optimized for gamepads and alternative control methods other than keyboard and mouse.

Although the game will successfully run on Steam Deck, achieving the best gaming experience will require some settings and adaptations for comfortable control.

How cool will the project be?

The project to port STALKER to Unreal Engine 5 is not just cool, it's an incredibly exciting and innovative event in the world of gaming. This project promises to bring new inspiration and a level of quality to our beloved game, unveiling the world of Chernobyl in unparalleled beauty and realism.

Unreal Engine 5 is a true masterpiece in the realm of game engines, and we are confident that it can convey all the atmosphere and mystery of STALKER to a new level. The project will offer you a unique experience and recreate the spirit of the original, making you dive back into the thrilling and perilous worlds of Chernobyl.

Will you fix the micro freezes related to the X-Ray sound engine?

Yes, we will make the sound even better. We are moving to a whole new level using the sound engine from Unreal Engine. This will solve many issues, including the initialization of all replicas at once, which will rid us of unnecessary loads on the sound engine and lead to smooth and uninterrupted sound. The new engine will also unveil a world of sound reflections from surfaces, giving sound even more depth and realism. This is just a small part of the magnificent possibilities that will be available.

Why was the vanilla STALKER engine chosen as the port instead of Open X-Ray?

The main reason was that @Red Panda initially worked on X-Ray SDK 0.8 with the ability to implement the "Play in Editor" feature - the ability to play inside the editor without a full game build. In the course of development, all this ended up inside Unreal Engine. It is also worth understanding that most of the issues fixed in the engine by the OpenXRay team do not concern us thanks to the migration to Unreal Engine. Ultimately, we were able to achieve better results and do not need solutions from OpenXRay.